
Friday, January 26, 2024

POST 641 Jan27, 2024 Exercise Bien Thu, Changing Enemy- Pictures Palma, Singapore -Master J.C Rouquette


POST 641 Jan27, 2024 

Exercise Bien Thu, Changing Enemy

Various Pictures

Master J.C Rouquette  

The Jade Mountain







    POST 641       2024                                 

  Linda’s Thursday Quotation   




Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi


For the discovery of vitamin C and the description of oxidation, Albert Szent-Györgyi received a Nobel Prize in medicine in 1937.


Humankind has long suffered from a lack of understanding of basic nutrition. Scurvy was among many diseases suffered due to malnutrition. It wasn’t until the 1930’s that Albert Szent-Györgyi discovered the chemical ascorbic acid—also known as vitamin C—that enables the body to efficiently use carbohydrates, fats, and protein. His discovery was among the foundations of modern nutrition.




  POST  641 - 431                                   27 January 2024

NGOC DINH / The Jade Mountain.






Story of

The Jade Mountain

Once upon a time there were five handsome young men, strong, good and honest, who were in search for the Jade Mountain.    
According to the locals, the Jade Mountain was a wonderful mountain and those who would succeed in reaching its summit would get wealth, power and happiness.  
The problem for these young men was that no one around them knew where the Jade Mountain was, nor where to go to find it. They decided to ask questions to dignitaries and respected people in their village.

They spoke first to the venerable monk of the great pagoda. Without hesitation, the monk asserted that the Jade Mountain was in heaven and that only those who lead an exemplary life on this earth could see it in their next life after their reincarnation.       
When they went to the oldest man in the village, they heard a bleak answer. According to this old man, the Jade Mountain does not exist because it was invented to deceive fools and dreamers who think they can find a needle at the bottom of the ocean.   
From the respectable wise man who lived peacefully on a green hill, they did not get an answer but a method to follow. According to this wise man, if the mountain exists it must be on this earth so if one goes around the earth one must find it.          
The group of five young men found that this answer made sense and they decided to undertake a journey around the earth.

Hardly had they left their village, after only a few kilometers of walking, one of them decided to abandon this trip. After much thought, he found that going around the world without being sure to find the Jade Mountain was a matter of fatigue and wasted time.  
The four others with great perseverance decided to continue their search for the Jade Mountain walking through fields, hills, rivers, forests and mountains. (To Be Continued On the next Post)



               PICTURES RECEIVED 

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 from    CLUB YET KIEU 

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  POST  641                    27 January 2024  

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Friday, January 19, 2024

POST 640 20Jan2024 - Exercise BAO MOC - Art Works of Master Bernard Legendre


POST 640  20Jan2024 

- Exercise BAO MOC 

- Art Works of Master Bernard Legendre  




                            END OF POST 640  

Friday, January 12, 2024

POST 639 13JAN.2024 Exercise ANH DUONG - Chart of Five Elements - A LAND OF WONDERS- Phan Hoang



POST 639 13JAN.2024 

Exercise ANH DUONG -

Chart of Five Elements -

Various Pictures






    POST 639  January 13, 2024                                 

  Linda’s Thursday Quotation   






Don't worry about what anybody else is going to do. The best way to predict the future is to invent it.

-Alan Kay

 "The problem with being a beginner is that you get a lot of practice being a beginner."

-Alan Kay.







  POST 639  January 13, 2024


This text alludes to many of forms/quyen in our arts of VIETCHI.

Enjoy this adventure







Could we make a dream, a dream that comes true!

I know a fabulous Land-of-Wonders. It’s ten thousand times larger than Disneyland in California; a hundred thousand times more attracting than the famous Toronto Zoo which houses 5,000 animals or the fascinating Yokohama Zoo, recently established (1999) in Japan.  Yellowstone National Park in the USA, one of the best wildlife-park can just give you a modest idea of our Land-of-Wonders (LW) where you are not an observer, nor a visitor, you are a dynamic participant, a proud owner.

Of course, in this Land-of-Wonders there are all sorts of lions, tigers, panthers, elephants, bears, horses, snakes, turtles, and so on, but you can surprisingly encounter phoenixes, unicorns, and dragons. Nice dragon, terrifying dragon, yellow dragon, blue dragon, red dragon and black dragon!

The mountain Hoanh-Son is higher than the Everest and the lake Luong-Son looks better than the Pacific Ocean. On a beautiful day you can explore this mountain by horse-back riding or even by tiger riding to discover all the beauty of life and the secret of success, the rules of fighting and the causes of failure. In some place a giant crane will fly you over the lake Luong-Son to reach the most impressive fall Van-Ba at the top of a mythic volcano, protected by snow and cloud all the year round. Like the Niagara, the Van-Ba shows you the unsuspected power of water and cloud. In this high place between heaven and earth the immensity of the sky and the cosmic energy Truong-Thien connect you to the Universe. At the Open-gate Khai-Mon a yellow dragon will bring you to the Milky Way. The Open-gate is a mysterious gate; it consists of eight gates leading to over 40,000 ways of adventures. You could not have enough time in your life to visit all these beautiful ways but you can find at the entrance of the Open-gate a magic wand, then in one click you see the Navigation Map wide open showing you how intelligent people manage to arrange great things into nine-category Cuu-Doan, and how they do organize to put these things in a Magic Square. The magic square of the Land Land-of-Wonders -of-Wonders can be shown only to distinguish guest, as you are, at the Gate Ky-Mon.

Where is this gate?  To find the way to this gate you need to be strong, to be sincere, and to be persistent. Arriving to the Gate Ky-Mon you can witness, sometimes, the terrific fight between a Thunder-tiger and a Yellow-dragon, or at another moment, a very gracious dance of Eighteen-birds, or the change of four seasons which teaches us the way of Nature and the reason of life: the nice Tiep-xuan, the warm Vo-ha, the colorful Ha-thu, and the powerful Trong-dong. You can also find at the Gate Ky-Mon the Book-of-names, the Book-of-seals, the Book-of-sword, the Book-of-energy Tinh-mat, and the Book of Teacher’s Way. All these secret books could help you in finding what is the best way for you to follow . The Gate Ky-Mon is a mysterious gate, it can be in the same time open and closed! Most people in the outside world could not understand this. But YOU, you must discover the truth: like in the practice of Zen, the truth is sometimes hidden behind the truth or put somewhere beyond the reach of reasoning. 

At this time of winter when cold weather is hitting hard somewhere, surprisingly millions of lotus-flowers transform the great lake in the Land-of-Wonders into a paradise. You will see over there thousands of birds dancing by group of Five, of Eight, of Twelve, of Eighteen, or much more, and a pair of two-leaves Song-diep flying high around the world. Next to this fabulous lake, millions of trees in the forest inter-connect themselves into nine groups of Virtues: Dignity, Honor, Integrity, Honesty, Courage, Resilience, Rectitude, Self-confidence, and Benevolence. So when you see a pine it is no longer a simple pine; it reflects the Dignity in the largest sense. The oak is for the beauty of Rectitude, and so on.

This Land-of Wonders is a world of unlimited Capacity and unchallenged Beauty. As a member of Vietchi, you have the privilege of knowing it and owning it. Did you realize that? Be Strong.                      Phan-Hoang (18 December 2016)













POST 639/481

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    End of POST 639