
Sunday, November 5, 2017


POST 320 05NOV2017 

POST 320  05 NOVEMBER  2017
SWQ   Safest Way of Quoting

Every Thursday at the Vietchi club Yet-Kieu in Ottawa, Canada, Linda ‘the Thursday Messenger’ sends out to all members a quote with a brief message to remember them that the next day, on Friday evening, they will have a regular training session.

This way of sending a reminding message prior to the day of the training session seems a quite common practice at various clubs of Viet-Chi around the world. What I would like to share here with you is a solution to a small problem we often encounter.

It’s not a very hard job to find some thought or some good sayings to quote and that could make your email message more attractive. But sometimes it could be a time consuming hard job to track down the name of the author. Sometimes happily we got a name, and later unhappily someone told us that was a wrong name! Happiness did not last long with this risky business. Even when we get a right name we can still be unhappy because someone else could criticize us for why citing such infamous or controversial names although in their life they did say things that make sense or that really did not make sense. Avoid quoting them is probably much safer. Remember we are here in the business of quick communication and not in the process of any academic research work. So this situation pushed us to find a practical solution to our problem. And here it is: In the post of Thursday Messenger we will mention the author of the concerned quote as SWQ and save a great deal of time!

What is SWQ?
In case of ‘self defense’ we could say SWQ means Still Working to Quote. But in our mind     
SWQ stands for Safest Way of Quoting. That means we would like to quote ‘Buddha’ as the author because that is the safest way of quoting (SWQ)!
Why that could be? Because, according to Buddhist teaching, there are over three thousand sacred books (sutras) recording the teaching of the historic Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) along with millions of sayings from many thousands other Buddha (Sages) in the universe, past and present. Given that, surely everything has been already told by some Buddha! If any author happened to say something new and good he or she will become instantly a Buddha in our opinion. If someone really liked to check our source he or she must run the risk to go through all the three thousand difficult books of Buddha and it would take a few reincarnations to have enough time to do it.
Life is very funny. Smile!  SWQ  (early November 2017)

POST 320   05 November 2017
From The Thursday Messenger

‘’In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.”


          IMAGES OF AUTUMN  2017

   END OF POST 320  

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