
Saturday, May 6, 2023

POST 603 May06, 2023 HO DIEP BUTTERFLY -Kite Festival in Cervia, Italy

 POST 603 May06, 2023 


International Kite Festival in Cervia, Italy

Various texts and pictures  







    POST 603  2023                                 

  Linda’s Thursday Quotation   




 Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.

Isaac Newton






POST 603 May 05,  2019 









Terminology/Meaning. HO-DIEP CONG (HDC) = The Butterfly Training        

Hồ-Điệp is a Vietnamese classical term for butterfly in English.


The choice of the classical term Hồ-Điệp evokes a nice poetic and philosophic story:

Long time ago, once Trang Tử (Chuang-tzu ~365290 BCE) dreamed to be a butterfly flying freely everywhere, when he woke up he asked himself: ‘I dreamed to be a butterfly or a butterfly is dreaming to be me?’


Purpose. The purpose of HO-DIEP CONG is to introduce a Butterfly  Inner-Energy training technique  enriching the known series of other animals and birds such as Dragon, Tiger, Snake, Turtle, Phoenix, Crane and so on. To show the ‘Way of Butterfly/ Ho-Diep’. 


Mission. The main mission of  HO-DIEP CONG is to help practitioner acquiring high inner-power through its soft-way-training, and developing persistence, vision, quiet mind, and self-confidence. To teachers, HO-DIEP CONG provides a new teaching method and technique for them to show a different  level of training to their students; another way of ‘to be strong’ and ‘to be wise’.    


Aim. The practice of HO-DIEP CONG aims to:

-Expanding the capacity of the lungs; strengthening the hara (dan-dien); facilitating inner-energy flow.

-Acquiring the habit of persistence and the needed endurance for long working day.

-Preventing/alleviating low-back pain.     

-Facilitating inter-connection between muscles, nervous system, and mind. Harmony.


Description (Technical structure/characteristic) . Please see video or PPS of Ho-Diep-Cong (HDC) previously distributed at different occasions, or ask Collaborative Group for help.

-HDC belongs to the category of Soft-Training,

-HDC behind the movement is a special breathing technique which could be called HDC Breathing:

Inhaling 100% -Exhaling 33% ; Contraction ;   Inhaling widely (100%);  Contraction; Exhaling 75%; Contraction; Strong exhaling (25%) –See attached note from Belfast 02 Oct. 2012.


Application and Development

-Insert HDC into the list of your daily routine training

-During a trip, from time to time when it is appropriated, you can practise HDC along with Bai DI-XA.

-When you are engaged into an important project –in any field of activities such as Real-Estate, Building, Business, Sport, Art Work, Writing a book, and so on – regularly practise HDC and keep in mind the persistence and the Way of the Butterfly (which follows the course of Mother Nature flying every year from Canada to Mexico, round trip!)   

-Whenever you feel the need to do some exercises but do not know how to start, in this case: START WITH HO-DIEP-CONG.


REMEMBER: Who he does not suspect the strength of a butterfly-opponent will be one day defeated by his opponent.

Best wishes

gm phan hoang

Thursday 19 March 2015, the last day of a long winter.









  POST 603 May 05, 2023

 From Master Paola Binh-Lam








… last week we spent four days in Cervia, on the Adriatic Sea, at the kite festival (edition no. 43); there were 55 nations from all over the world, in the name of sharing and peace.

Kite flying has a very strong power over people, both children and adults: it excites, liberates, relaxes, and puts one in a good mood...






    POST  2023                                 





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