
Thursday, October 3, 2024

POST 677 05Oct2024 Exercise DA DONG CO -The Bandit part 1 charles phan hoang


Welcome to Post 677 

POST 677 05Oct2024 

Exercise DA DONG CO 

The Bandit part 1 

Various items and pictures





 Along My Path     Charles Phan Hoang 




Post 677   October 05, 2024






He was known by many names, but most people respectfully called him Trang Si, meaning “knight” in Vietnamese. In the last years, he had dominated every sword-fighting competition in the region. No one dared to challenge him anymore. Yet despite his triumphs, he remained unsatisfied with every sword he had wielded. None felt truly his.

Determined to craft a blade worthy of his skill, Trang Si retreated to a secluded place. There, in the quiet, he toiled to forge a sword with soul and spirit, a weapon as sharp as his own mastery. For seven long years, he labored, and at last, a sword unlike any other was born—a blade with seven flawless layers, gleaming with unparalleled beauty and deadly precision. Word of his creation spread throughout the country, and many swordsmen coveted this masterpiece.

That same year, the King announced a national swordsmanship competition, and Trang Si set out on the long journey to the capital, eager to prove his skill. One day, as he walked alone on a deserted road, he heard the faint sound of steel being drawn behind him. In a flash, he leapt forward, ducking his head, and turned back with his sword in hand, ready for battle. Standing before him was a tall bandit, his face twisted with wickedness, a sword gleaming in his hand. The bandit had hidden in wait, hoping to strike when Trang Si passed by, but his plan had failed. With arrogance, the bandit demanded that Trang Si surrender his prized sword in exchange for his life. (to be continued in Post 678).

Charles Phan Hoang
Post 677 | October 05, 2024










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Albert Szent-Gyorgyi








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 END POST 677      OCT 05, 2024


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