
Monday, April 11, 2016

POST 246 10APRIL2016 BACK IN WINTER - Ottawa, Canada

POST 246 10APRIL2016 
- Ottawa, Canada

POST 246 – 10APRIL2016

g.m phan hoang

This year the weather during the first part of April is unusual, quite surprising. Good and bad weather alternated. Likely we are back and forth between Winter and Spring! This morning, 11 April, I feel like we are still in winter with snow on the ground and no sun in the sky. Definitely this is not a pleasant day.

Because complaining would not change anything, so this morning I went out deciding to find something nice thanks to this bad weather.

Usually I do not often drink coffee, but this morning sitting in a warm place at a nice coffee shop and looking down to the misty river over there I found my cup of hot coffee was very tasty, also the cake was good, because these companions gave me a reason to stay more time inside. I did not drink, I enjoyed the coffee, and I ate the cake very slowly. The views of the parliament hill, the Chateau Laurier, the hotel Westin, the By Ward market all have changed under this misty morning. They were likely unreal. In fact, sometimes we suspect that many things in this life could be unreal. But the cup of coffee I had in my hand at that moment was real, and the coffee was good when the weather outside was bad. All these palaces and buildings in Ottawa I saw this morning must be certainly different under a sunny day, but the pictures of them I have taken this morning are surely real. Please enjoy seeing them (attached in this Post 246).

Charles Phan Hoang




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