
Friday, March 26, 2021

POST 493 27MAR2021 Spring Pictures and Training -Master Phan Hoang









  POST  493     27 Mars  2021




 Vietnamese Music



(Ctrl + Click to follow link)





(Musical show: The Trans-Vietnam Highway)


Trường Ca "Con Đường Cái Quan"

Phạm Duy.  PBN 91



    POST  493                                





"The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never scoring."

— Bill Copeland













Charles Phan Hoang                                        Canada 26-02-2021

(from VIETCHI POST Spring 2021)





La Seine, fleuve paisible, après avoir traversé Paris, serpente doucement en faisant des méandres à travers la province de Normandie.  Avant d’arroser la ville de Rouen, au riche passé historique, elle coule le long du village de Pitres situé sur sa rive droite à l’opposé de la ville de Pont de l’Arche sur sa rive gauche.  Il y a déjà plus d’un demi-siècle que j’ai découvert et exploré cette région avec ses petits villages en bordure de la Seine en empruntant des petites routes de campagne bien pittoresques.  Tous ces voyages sont encore aujourd’hui bien vivants dans ma mémoire.  S’il n’y avait pas la pandémie du Covid, tout de suite  je prendrais l’avion du Canada vers Paris pour revoir les nombreux endroits en Europe qui ont marqué ma jeunesse.

Dans le trésor des contes et histoires populaires de Normandie, j’ai retenu l’histoire des Deux Amants qui se passa il y a plus de mille ans. En ce temps-là, vivait un roi qui fut le seigneur de Pitres. Ce roi avait une fille, une très belle princesse qu’il aimait beaucoup. Il va sans dire que cette princesse était convoitée par de nombreux chevaliers mais le roi ne voulait pas se séparer d’elle car il la trouvait encore trop jeune pour se marier.  Il fit proclamer que celui qui voudrait l’épouser devrait gravir une haute colline, sans s’arrêter du pied jusqu’au sommet, en portant la jeune princesse.  Lorsque cette nouvelle fut connue, de nombreux chevaliers se portèrent candidats.  Tous échouèrent ! Beaucoup abandonnèrent à mi-chemin et d’autres un peu plus loin mais sans jamais atteindre le sommet.  Cette colline était trop difficile à gravir avec sa pente parfois très raide.  Peu à peu, il n’y eut plus de candidats pour postuler à cet examen. 

Cependant, personne ne savait que la princesse avait secrètement donné son cœur à un jeune chevalier qu’elle admirait beaucoup.  Ils se rencontraient en cachette et un amour passionné naquit, malheureusement sans espoir car le jeune chevalier savait qu’il ne pourrait réussir là où tant d’autres chevaliers avaient échoué.  Un jour, lors de l’une de leurs rencontres secrètes, la princesse chuchota quelques mots à l’oreille de son amant et elle lui remit une lettre. Dans les jours qui suivirent, le chevalier accompagné de deux compagnons fidèles monta à cheval et disparut de la région.  Après une longue période d’absence, il revint à Pitres et rencontra secrètement la princesse.  Il lui montra un flacon contenant un élixir qu’il avait rapporté. Le lendemain, le jeune chevalier soumit officiellement au roi sa candidature pour passer l’examen et le roi qui estimait le chevalier donna son approbation.

Jamais ne fut divulgué ce que le jeune chevalier avait fait pendant son absence. Il avait suivi les conseils de la princesse et était allé dans la ville de Salerne en Italie où se trouvait une école de médecine très réputée au Moyen Age.  Il était venu pour rencontrer une dame qui y pratiquait la médecine :

(à suivre au prochain Post 494)


                                  THE TWO LOVERS 


                         To be continued on the next Post 494







 POST 493

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Ennio Morricone "The Legend" ● 2 Hours Ennio Morricone Music | Film Music...








Saturday, March 20, 2021





 POST 492 21March 2021  

   Vietnamese Music





We know that listening to music can improve our well-being and boost our spirit. So I thought, maybe it’s interesting to find a way helping you discover some aspects of the world of Vietnamese Music in case you are curious enough to try it. The simplest way is to select some good links on the Web and share it with you through this weekly blog.


Today, March 20, 2021, I will start with the Guitar of Vo-Thuong, a famous Vietnamese guitarist. In the link below you will find a musical collection of well-known Vietnamese songs to discover.

( Ctrl+Click to follow link )





                                                   DEEP TRAINING 



(STORY /PART TWO  19 March 2021)



       by Charles Phan Hoang, Canada, March 08, 2021

(PART TWO  19 March 2021)

… Immediately, the young man pulled out a gun and pointed it at the guardian. With a surprising calm, the guardian did not lower his stick and asked the young man what he wanted. He told the young man that his gun had no effect on him, asserting that he was not afraid to die and that death would be a blessing that would free him from the terrible suffering of an old age. Besides, said the guardian, if you take one more step forward, I will hit you with my stick and you will have to kill me: I will be released from this suffering life and you will go to jail. Nothing interests me anymore in this life. Tell me what you want I will listen to you before I kill myself by jumping from the top of this tower. I have had enough of the suffering from an incurable disease. So the young man asked the keeper: where is the treasure? Upon that, the guardian slowly nodded then calmly explained: it's quite complicated to locate the treasure.  But let's take, as a landmark, the entrance gate of the castle. From there you have to go straight forward for a hundred paces, then turn left. After these words, the guardian paused to catch his breath then he continued: In fact, I could have taken possession of this treasure for myself,  but my honesty and my dignity forbade me to steal the descendants of my master, and moreover the money would be useless to me since I am going to die. After a long cough, the guardian slowly resumed his talk: I can tell you the place of the treasure but there is a problem because after my death people will come and spit on my grave, they will believe that I gave in out of weakness for fear of your gun. All my life I have had the reputation of being a man of integrity, honesty and not being afraid of anything. Now if you let me throw myself from this tower the police will charge you with murder for pushing me off the tower and you will spend years in jail but for me I just want to free myself from this suffering life.

After listening to the guardian, the young man remained motionless, unsure of what to do. Calmly, the guard continued: I will give you all the remaining details to find the treasure but first lend me your gun because I want to kill myself with your gun immediately after, so you will not be accused of murder and I will leave this life without pain; slowly the guard reached out to the young man and the young man handed him his gun and waited to listen for the rest of the secret. Then a gunshot was heard and the young man collapsed.

Charles Phan Hoang, Canada, March 08, 2021


(PART ONE  12 March 2021) The “Mont des Fées” has a rather romantic name, but in fact there is nothing special to come and visit it. However, at its foot, not far from the town of this area, are the ruins of an old castle. In the Middle-Ages it was a magnificent castle but the wars and the effects of erosion over the centuries have done their works and now from the ruins of this castle remains only a fairly high and impressive tower.

Although the castle is rather in ruins, there still is a guardian present in the tower. The guardian is a respectable old man who stands up straight and has a very alert gait. He still wears, with a marked dignity, his guardian uniform with his embroidered cap, although the faded colors of his cap and his clothes show the long effect of time. Rarely the inhabitants of this area cross him in town. But those who pass by the path which runs along the ruins of the castle often see him at the top of the tower as if he were observing the movements of troops which could attack the castle! According to the belief of people around there, a great treasure is hidden in these ruins. The old guardian, at his advanced age, is a faithful servant who waits in vain for the return of the successors of his former master.

One day, when he was at the top of the tower, he saw a young man coming towards him climbing the steps. When the young man was two steps before he reached the terrace at the top of the tower, the guardian, brandishing his stick, ordered him not to climb further. Immediately, the young man pulled out a gun and pointed it at the guardian (TO BE CONTINUED on 19 March 2021)









POST 492

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Wisdom Of The Eagle (Eagle Attitude) - Very Powerful Video







My Name Is Nobody : The Wilde Horde (Ennio Morricone) – HD









Friday, March 12, 2021

POST 491 13MAR2021 THE GUARDIAN OF THE TREASURE by Phan Hoang - Posture Milhau Bridge


Post 491  13 March 2021 



-We are working on building a new blog



This new blog will mainly publish Quyen, Techniques, Technical Teaching , Texts, Documents, related to all the 8 Disciplines of VIETCHI SYSTEM.


-The current blog


will continue as usual but the contents will be more for Informatiton, Pictures, Arts, Thought, Writing from G.M Phan Hoang.



 Please visit our new blog: 





       by Charles Phan Hoang, Canada, March 08, 2021

(PART ONE) The “Mont des Fées” has a rather romantic name, but in fact there is nothing special to come and visit it. However, at its foot, not far from the town of this area, are the ruins of an old castle. In the Middle-Ages it was a magnificent castle but the wars and the effects of erosion over the centuries have done their works and now from the ruins of this castle remains only a fairly high and impressive tower.

Although the castle is rather in ruins, there still is a guardian present in the tower. The guardian is a respectable old man who stands up straight and has a very alert gait. He still wears, with a marked dignity, his guardian uniform with his embroidered cap, although the faded colors of his cap and his clothes show the long effect of time. Rarely the inhabitants of this area cross him in town. But those who pass by the path which runs along the ruins of the castle often see him at the top of the tower as if he were observing the movements of troops which could attack the castle! According to the belief of people around there, a great treasure is hidden in these ruins. The old guardian, at his advanced age, is a faithful servant who waits in vain for the return of the successors of his former master.

One day, when he was at the top of the tower, he saw a young man coming towards him climbing the steps. When the young man was two steps before he reached the terrace at the top of the tower, the guardian, brandishing his stick, ordered him not to climb further. Immediately, the young man pulled out a gun and pointed it at the guardian (TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK)




Charles Phan Hoang, Canada, March 08, 2021

(1ère Partie) Le Mont des Fées porte un nom assez romantique mais en fait il n’y a rien de particulier pour venir le visiter. Cependant à son pied, pas très loin de la ville de cette région, se trouvent les ruines d’un vieux château.  Au Moyen-Âge, ce fut un magnifique château mais les guerres, les effets de l’érosion au cours des siècles ont bien accompli leurs œuvres et maintenant des ruines de ce château il ne reste plus qu’une tour assez haute et impressionnante.

Bien que le château ne soit plus qu’une ruine, il y a toujours un gardien présent dans la tour.  Le gardien est un vieillard respectable qui se tient droit et qui a une démarche encore bien alerte. Il porte encore avec une dignité marquée son uniforme de gardien avec sa casquette brodée quoique les couleurs fanées de sa casquette et de ses vêtements montrent le long travail du temps.  Les habitants de la région le croisent rarement mais ceux qui passent par le chemin qui longe les ruines du château très souvent le voient en haut de la tour comme s’il était en observation des mouvements des troupes qui pourraient attaquer le château !  Selon les dires des gens de la région, dans ces ruines est caché un grand trésor.  Le vieux gardien est un fidèle serviteur qui attend inespérément, à son âge bien avancé, le retour des successeurs de son maître d’antan.

Un jour, lorsqu’il se trouvait en haut de la tour, il vit un jeune homme qui avançait vers lui en montant les marches.  Lorsque le jeune homme se trouva à deux marches avant d’aboutir sur la terrasse au sommet de la tour, le gardien brandissant son bâton lui donna l’ordre de ne pas gravir les dernières marches.  Immédiatement, le jeune homme sortit un pistolet et le pointa vers le gardien (A SUIVRE)








POST 491 , 13 MARCH 2021


  Died March 14, 2018



 "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge"




POST 491 13 March 2021


    POST 491                                  


Beautiful Relaxing Music - Flute, Guitar & Piano Music with Birds Singing







How to express opposing ideas in English: despite, although...



          END POST 491 

Saturday, March 6, 2021



Post 489  06 March 2021 



-We are working on building a new blog



This new blog will mainly publish Quyen, Techniques, Technical Teaching , Texts, Documents, related to all the 8 Disciplines of VIETCHI SYSTEM.


-The current blog


will continue as usual but the contents will be more for Informatiton, Pictures, Arts, Thought, Writing from G.M Phan Hoang.



 Please visit our new blog:















POST 589 


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 Milan and Lake Como