POST 694 01Feb.2025
Exercise Tuc Vi The Stomach
Various Items and pictures

POST 694 Linda’s Thursday Quotation
Probability theory is nothing but
common sense reduced to calculation. Science
is magic that works. Kurt Vonnegut ----------------------------------------- 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic.' - Arthur C. Clarke
Blog www.clubmasterhoang.blogspot.com POST 694, 484 Sharing
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POST 694 1 – THE MYSTERIOUS DOCUMENT One Friday, at ten o'clock at night, Nick P. Walker received a message
on his cellphone from Clara Ikube, who identified herself as a private
investigator from Westminster. In response to Nick's advertisement, seeking
someone who could translate Chu-Nom, the ancient Vietnamese writing, Clara
claimed she could assist him. A meeting was set for the following day at four
o'clock in the afternoon. As a Vietnam War veteran, Nick had placed an advertisement in a few
Vietnamese newspapers in California a month ago seeking help in translating
an ancient document he had brought from Vietnam years ago. Wanting to know
its contents since he had retired, Nick was eager to have it translated. The
document had been sitting in his bookshelf for years, and he was impressed by
the magnificent red seal affixed to the middle of the first page. When Clara arrived the following day, Nick was surprised to see a
beautiful young woman standing before him - Nick complimented Clara,
mistaking her for a Vietnamese native due to her appearance. In response,
Clara introduced herself as an American from Hawaii who had studied modern
and classical Vietnamese, among other languages, while serving in the army.
She reassured him that she would be able to read his document written in
Chu-Nom. After inviting Clara into his home, Nick showed her his living room
where she noticed an elegant red imprint of a seal on a wall in a black
lacquered wood frame. Clara explained that the characters read, Thuan Thien
Bao Quoc, which meant 'in accordance with Heaven to protect the country'.
Nick was impressed and pointed out that this was the same seal that was
affixed to the document on the table. Clara carefully took the document from Nick, delicately flipping through
its pages beginning with what appeared to be the last page. As she continued
to examine the manuscript, she noted that it appeared to be written in form
of poems. Nick eagerly asked if she would be able to translate it, hoping to
finally uncover its meaning. Clara nodded, promising to provide the
translation in approximately three weeks as the manuscript conservation
status was good and the characters had not faded. True to her word, after
three weeks Nick received an English translation in an envelope sent by
FedEx. As he read it, he discovered that the document was written in an
elegant style, but he could not discern any clear meaning. Indeed, as Clara
had noticed, it seemed to be the translation of some poems. He was
disappointed because he had hoped to uncover some insight into the history of
Vietnam or its legendary stories. When Clara returned the original manuscript to Nick two days later, she
was surprised to hear that he had not found it as interesting as she had. She
had been captivated by these poems that seemed to convey hidden messages.
Moreover, that seemed to be the second part of a work and she believed that
finding the first part would help uncover the author's intended meaning. Nick revealed that he had acquired the manuscript in an antique shop in
Da-Nang while serving in the Marines in 1970. The red seal had caught his
attention, and the seller had informed him that the document likely
originated from North Vietnam. However, due to his inability to read the
writing, he had not been able to decipher its contents. Nick was moved by Clara's interest in the manuscript, as it reminded him
of his deceased only daughter who was always full of enthusiasm while working
on a project. He decided to offer the document to her as a gift. Clara could
continue to study and uncover its secrets. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Clara
accepted Nick's generous offer. She told him that she was also an only child,
but sadly her parents were deceased. Her father used to be in the Navy.
Taking the document, she promised Nick she would share any interesting
discoveries she could find. (to be continued) |