
Thursday, October 24, 2024

POST 680 26Oct2024 - Exercise Deep 20- General Eagle- Foggy Petrie Island



   Petrie Island, October 19, 2024


POST 680 26Oct2024 

- Exercise Deep 20

- General Eagle

- Foggy Petrie Island

-Various items and pictures

                                                  EXERCISE FOR THIS WEEK 






    POST    2024                                 

  Linda’s Thursday Quotation   





Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.

-Abraham Lincoln-  


 I do not think that the radio waves I have discovered will have any practical application.

Heinrich Hertz

(Sometimes great men  don't realise the impact their discoveries  will have.)

The unit of frequency, cycle per second, was named the "Hertz" in his honor.







 Along My Path     Charles Phan Hoang 






Post 680   October 26, 2024







Once upon a time, there was a peaceful kingdom where people thrived in harmony. However, one day, a neighboring kingdom grew envious of its wealth and fertile lands and began preparing for invasion. Sensing the threat, the king knew he needed a remarkable general to defend the realm. After careful selection, two renowned commanders emerged as the top candidates: General Mãnh-H, known as Tiger, and General Đi-Bàng, called Eagle. To determine who was best suited to lead the army, the king posed two critical questions to each general.


The first question was: “How would you fight against a stronger enemy?”

General Tiger answered without hesitation, “I will make our soldiers fight harder.” General Eagle, after a brief moment of thought, responded, “I will make our strategies unpredictable.”


The second question was: “What will be our ultimate goal in this war?” With great confidence, General Tiger declared, “Victory—win, win, and win!”. General Eagle bowed slightly and said, “In my humble opinion, the ultimate goal of war is to restore peace.”


As soon as both generals had left, the king convened a council with his advisors. The majority sided with General Tiger, arguing, “An army’s purpose is to fight and win. Victory will bring glory and pride to our people.” Only one advisor spoke in support of General Eagle. “While strength in battle is essential, it should be the foundation of any army, not its defining feature. True superiority lies in strategy—surprising the enemy with unpredictable plans. And war, in its essence, should aim not only for victory but for lasting peace.”


After much deliberation, the king made his decision: General Eagle would lead the army through the coming storm. His wisdom and vision offered hope for a peace that would outlast mere triumph on the battlefield. History, however, tells a curious tale. In the annals of time, readers will find little mention of General Eagle’s name. It is the generals who fought long, bloody campaigns—those who sacrificed countless lives in pursuit of victory—who fill the pages of glory. Yet somewhere beyond those words, the quiet wisdom of General Eagle endures, whispered among those who know that the greatest victories are not always the ones engraved in stone, but the peace that follows./.


Charles Phan Hoang
October 22, 2024  (Post 680, October 26, 2024)







   POST 2024                                 





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 English Story with Subtitles A View from a Hill






   END POST 680

Friday, October 18, 2024

POST 679 19Oct2024 Exercise DEEP 19 NGU THU - The Grebe, Phan Hoang


  Enjoy the beauty of autumn

POST 679   19 Oct. 2024

Exercise DEEP 19 NGU THU 

The Grebe

Various items and pictures







    POST    2024                                 

  Linda’s Thursday Quotation   





If you cannot write well, you cannot think well; if you cannot think well, others will do your thinking for you.

Oscar Wilde








 Along My Path     Charles Phan Hoang 






Post 679      19 October 2024







Last week, for the first time, I saw a fascinating bird on Petrie Island: The Pied-billed Grebe. I didn’t have much time to observe it before it dove unexpectedly beneath the water, in a sudden motion and disappeared. It took great effort and patience to spot it again at some distance, resurfacing quietly.

Pied-billed Grebes are small brown, stocky and short-necked water birds. Their legs are set far back on their body and this positioning makes them incredibly agile in water. They are expert divers maneuvering, moving with remarkable precision as they swim and dive.

Grebes have long been associated with the symbols of intuition and mystery, their connection to water representing the depths of the unknown. If I were to describe the grebe in terms of a warrior, I would call it the “Chief of Guerilla Tactics”—disappearing like a gust of wind, only to reappear where least expected.

Charles Phan Hoang
October 05, 2024  




   POST  2024                                 





50's, 60's & 70's Greatest Hits Golden Oldies - 50's, 60's & 70's Best Songs Oldies but Goodies"














"Learn all the Tenses in English: Complete Course"







       END POST 679    19 OCTOBER 2024

Thursday, October 10, 2024

POST 678 12Oct2024 Exercise Deep 18 - The Bandit 2



POST 678   12Oct2024 

Exercise Deep 18 

The Bandit part 2

 Various items and pictures



 Along My Path     Charles Phan Hoang 




(CONTINUED from Post 677)

Post 678  October 12, 2024






(Post 678 – continued)

 As anyone can guess, the knight refused, and a fierce duel began. The clash of steel echoed through the desolate road. Despite the bandit’s skill, it wasn’t long before Trang Si gained the upper hand. He could have easily ended the fight, but his good nature would not allow him to take a life unless necessary. Instead, he delivered a powerful blow with the flat of his sword, striking the bandit’s hand.  Seeing his sword flying away and realizing his defeat, the bandit knelt, bowing deeply in submission. In response, Trang Si lowered his sword and bowed in return, accepting the bandit’s surrender. Yet as soon as he did, the bandit sprang like a cobra, a hidden knife flashing from his sleeve. He drew it and stroke with full force into Trang Si’s chest. But the bandit’s treachery would not claim victory. Trang Si, wearing a concealed shield beneath his robe, was unharmed. With a single, decisive strike, he ended the bandit’s life, beheading him in one swift motion.

Though kindness is a virtue, Trang Si understood that in a world full of deception, kindness without lucidity and caution could be deadly. Preparedness was his wisdom, for he knew that true understanding of life meant protecting oneself, even in acts of mercy.

Charles Phan Hoang
Post 678 | October 28, 2024


POST 677 (starting)


He was known by many names, but most people respectfully called him Trang Si, meaning “knight” in Vietnamese. In the last years, he had dominated every sword-fighting competition in the region. No one dared to challenge him anymore. Yet despite his triumphs, he remained unsatisfied with every sword he had wielded. None felt truly his.

Determined to craft a blade worthy of his skill, Trang Si retreated to a secluded place. There, in the quiet, he toiled to forge a sword with soul and spirit, a weapon as sharp as his own mastery. For seven long years, he labored, and at last, a sword unlike any other was born—a blade with seven flawless layers, gleaming with unparalleled beauty and deadly precision. Word of his creation spread throughout the country, and many swordsmen coveted this masterpiece.

That same year, the King announced a national swordsmanship competition, and Trang Si set out on the long journey to the capital, eager to prove his skill. One day, as he walked alone on a deserted road, he heard the faint sound of steel being drawn behind him. In a flash, he leapt forward, ducking his head, and turned back with his sword in hand, ready for battle. Standing before him was a tall bandit, his face twisted with wickedness, a sword gleaming in his hand. The bandit had hidden in wait, hoping to strike when Trang Si passed by, but his plan had failed. With arrogance, the bandit demanded that Trang Si surrender his prized sword in exchange for his life.  As anyone can guess…  (to be continued in Post 678, as above)





    POST    2024                                 

  Linda’s Thursday Quotation   





Physics is experience, arranged in economical order.

 Ernst Mach




 Some people say we can never achieve our special destiny, but I say, in a world of new possibilities guided by goodness, we can and we will.

Bill Bradley







   POST 678    

 October 12, 2024                                 





 The Secret List







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 Learn English through Story 

 The Cold Heart







 END POST 678       OCTOBER 12, 2024