
Sunday, June 28, 2015

POST 208 Solstice Celebration - Adagio for a Kata - Zen Garden in Gatineau - CHARLES PHAN HOANG

POST 208 – June 28, 2015

In this Post 208 you will find:

-Solstice Celebration
 -Adagio for a Quyen/Kata
-Pictures: Zen garden in Gatineau

Dear all,
The beautiful Summer Season has now started with all the promises for happiness and success. Did you see the pictures of the Native Solstice Celebration posted on our web  ( last week-end ? Native people in North America have over ten thousand years of history, so the dance you see on these pictures could be rooted very far in the past, and probably it could be the oldest form of human kind dance. During this celebration, at some point, I noticed a similarity of this dance with some passages of the classic opening form of the Vietnamese grappling art ‘Vat’ at the  Vietnamese New-Year competition in North Vietnam . The art of Vat is also the oldest discipline of martial arts in Vietnam. From this observation could we draw any conclusion that enriches our learning? I am not so sure, but my first reflection, when I was at the Solstice Celebration, was a feeling that warriors in the world are people really sensible to the rule of the Nature Power, no matter today or thousands of years ago. They do not fear to die but they fear the rule of the Nature Power, the mystery and the punishment beyond their life. Accomplishing ceremonial dance is a manifestation of the will of being in accordance with the Nature. Martial art without ceremony is a discipline without soul.
But what is ‘ceremony’? It is not just the official Salute you do in many occasions; this is only an appearance, not the ‘soul’. The soul of ‘ceremony’ lays in each movement you perform with attention and deep mind; you give a soul to your gesture and make all the difference for it. What’s a pleasure in our life when we reach that spiritual level!

When I left the park after the Solstice Celebration walking alone on the narrow path along the Rideau River, I felt being in connection with a kind of cosmic energy. I stopped near a rock and executed a quyen (Song-Diep) on the background music Adagio of Albinoni, played from my cellphone. Many great thanks to Edio and Lorena for their precious contribution on this Adagio.  The sky was transcendental that evening. 
(June 2015)










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