www.clubmasterhoang.blogspot.com POST 520 EXERCISE HA-CO From Bài-Đi-Xa / Go
Far |
Bài-Đi-Xa / Go Far SET 01: Exercise
means Caring The Lower Part. Ha-Co
is one of the eight movements of the form BAI DI-XA. You will find pictures
of this exercise attached to this document
the technical training of Ha-Co is as follows: -OPENNING-
Stand up in Posture No1 (The Pillar stance/Lap-Tan), and execute the
Salutation. -MOVEMENT-
Make the same posture a bit larger. Both hands at the level of your hips
(inhale), then pushing forward (exhale, legs slightly bent ) -BREATHING-
It is the method THO-BUNG (Belly breathing).
Inhale: abdomen out, then hold your breath for three seconds. Exhale:
abdomen in. -BODY
WORK- Inhale: body open up largely, relaxing. Exhale: strong contraction; at
the end of movement: hold the strong contraction for two seconds then relax. -MIND-
Imagine that your body is like a mountain: strong, and proud. Your Dan-Dien
(belly/abdomen) is like a large lake: deep and moving. Your motto: READY AND
Basic training: doing Ha-Co 9 times. Advanced training: by a multiple of 9
(18, 27, 36 etc). The excellent level is for 108 times. One can do Ha-Co
several times in a day. -DISCIPLE-
Every day when you get out of your bed, immediately execute Ha-Co 7 times (so
there are at least 2 times left for you to do during the day). Best wishes. g.m phan hoang |
SYMBOL Strategy |
SPIRIT Behavior |
1 Ha-Co |
Belly breathing Abdomen Tho-Bung |
Hara, Abdomen Bas-ventre Dan-dien |
The Turtle Way La Voie de la Tortue Thần Quy Kiến-Tạo |
Patience Patience Trì-Nhẫn Thành Công |
2 Tich-Thien |
Lungs breathing Poumons Tho-Phoi |
Lungs Poumons Phoi |
Benevolent Monkey Le Singe Bienveillant Lão Hầu Độ Nhân |
Compassion, Compassion Đại-Bi Quảng-Độ |
3 Tu-Thang |
Belly breathing Abdomen Tho-Bung |
Kidneys,Urinary bladder Reins, Vessie Than, Bang-quang |
Dragon Power Puissance du Dragon Thiên Long Thần Lực |
Being True &Confident Etre Vrai et Confiant Thành-Tín Đại-Đạo |
4 Xoay-Cau |
Lungs breathing Poumons Tho-Phoi |
Spleen, Pericardium Rate, Envelope du cœur Ty, Tam-bao |
Strategy of the Crane Stratégie de la Grue Bạch Hạc Lập Kế |
Beauty in all things Beauté dans tout Thiện-Mỹ Chân-Toàn |
5 Kim-Than |
Belly breathing Abdomen Tho-Bung |
Liver, Gall bladder Foie, Vésicule biliaire Can, Dom |
Unicorn Rightness Droiture de la Licorne Cường Lân Trực Chỉ |
Loyalty Loyauté Đại-Nghĩa Chân-Thực |
6 Noi-Van |
Wavingbreathing Respiration ondulatoire Tho-Chuyển-Luân * |
Large & Small intestines Intestins Đại-trường, Tiểu-trường |
Sacred Snake Serpent Sacré Thần-Xà Bảo-Ngọc |
Deep Within Profondeur d ‘esprit Thâm-Xâu Trường Lực |
7 Kich-Dong |
Lungs breathing Poumons Tho-Phoi |
Stomach Estomac Vi (Da-day) |
Moving Tiger Tigre en action Lão Hổ Xuất Động |
Courage Courage Dũng-Mãnh Lược-Thao |
8 Noi-Quan |
Belly breathing Abdomen Tho-Bung |
Heart Coeur Tam (Tim) |
Vision of Phoenix Vision du Phénix Thanh Phụng Trí Cao |
Vision Vision Viễn-Kiến Tuệ-Giác |
*Tho-Chuyen-Luan is a special
technique consisting of waving the body from the level of the lungs down to the
end of the dan-dien (hara) area, likely doing a inner-massage.
est une technique spéciale utilisant un mouvement ondulatoire de haut en bas
comme si l’on effectue un massage interne au niveau des poumons jusqu’à la fin
bas ventre dan-dien.
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