
Saturday, December 11, 2021

POST 530 11Dec2021 EXERCISE Unattached Mind - Postures - Five Elements




             MIND INNER-POWER 6 POSTURES  (Luc Bo Tam Khi)


  POST  530  11 December 2021  


Master Tue-Chu Edio Catoni

Part 1




 (Email received, December 2021, from Master Tue Chu)

Hi Piotr and GM,

In an old thesis of mine, starting from a document of the GM, I had developed the study of the connections between the 5 elements and the 8 quai.

In this report the following combinations were made:

1.    WATER with Water and Lake

o WATER is the water that goes from the sky to the earth, the rain that hits you from above.

o LAKE is concentrated water that rises from the earth to the sky, which submerges you.

2.    FIRE with Fire and Thunder

o FIRE is the fire that burns and whose flames develop in the direction from the earth to the sky, but which remains in the same place and consumes itself.

o THUNDER or LIGHTNING is like a concentrated fire that hits you as it descends from heaven to earth.

3.    EARTH with Earth and Mountain

o EARTH is the earth that forms a solid and stable base.

o MOUNTAIN is the concentrated earth that emerges upwards shaken by earthquakes and instead of giving you stability it destroys you

4.    WOOD with Wind

5.    METAL with Sky

A further development of your study could be to consider the dual aspect of the elements FIRE, WATER and EARTH, even if I can't tell you how to apply it to combat in VAT.

I can only make a few considerations of which I am not sure of the validity.

(to be continued on the next post, Post 531)








POST 530

 Sharing online 





Nikai the Wolf Sings it Out!









(POST 530 -Past POST 142 January 20, 2014)





 In 1961, exactly 53 years ago, on the 20th of this month (January 2014) president J.F. Kennedy said in his famous Inaugural address ‘… ask not what your country can do for you –ask what you can do for your country.’  This famous quote has been inspiring to many people, including myself since the time I was a student. Then year after year the more I discovered more countries in the world the more I met people asking what they can do for their country and the less I saw these people doing good things without being asked to do. My dear fellows Black-Belts, do not ask what you can do, do the best you can without being asked to.


Did you volunteer to clean up the place where you did your exercises in recent days? 


Charles Phan Hoang,  January 2014





                FIRST SNOW - CANADA DECEMBER 2021

                              END POST 530  ------------------------       

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