POST 605 MAY20 2023
Exercise NGU BO FIVE MERIDIANS - Flags Canada -
POST 605 2023
Linda’s Thursday Quotation
POST 605 20 May 2023 NGU
BO The Five
Movements and Meridians Les
Cinq Mouvements
1 - LE SOLEIL (Fortifier les poumons) The Sun
(Strenghten the Lungs) THU PHÊ DAI
2 - LE COURAGE (Dégager le gros intestin) The Courage (Clear
the Large Intestine) THU DAI TRUONG
3 - LA
SERVIABILITÉ (Stimuler l'estomac) Readiness to
help (Stimulate the Stomach) TUC VI KHAI
4 - LA LUCIDITÉ (Stimuler la rate) The Lucidity
(Work up the Spleen) TY KINH VÔ
5 - LA TRANQUILLITÉ (Calmer le coeur) The Tranquility
Annexe NGU BO
Les Cinq Mouvements Energétiques
Pour permettre une meilleure compréhension,
chaque mouvement sera décrit selon les règles suivantes:
1) Direction: une indication de direction (par exemple, face à
l'ouest) qui permet au pratiquant de se repérer. En règle générale, chaque Quyen
débute face au sud.
2) Position: à chaque mouvement un Tân (position des jambes)
sera indiqué pour permettre une exécution correcte. Il est donc bien important de se reférer au
chapitre des "Tân" lorsqu'on ne maîtrise pas encore ces positions.
3) Description: Il est difficile de décrire au complet tout
mouvement. En cas de doute, voici
quelques principes généraux qui peuvent aider à l'exécution des
mouvements. La majorité des mouvements
de Viet Tai Chi sont amples, circulaires, sinueux. Éviter donc, des mouvements saccadés. Chaque geste est un mouvement
énergétique. Pour la respiration, il
est recommandé de ne jamais forcer. Le
rythme respiratoire viendra naturellement avec une longue pratique.
Chaque mouvement peut être répété séparément
plusieurs fois ou bien faire partie de l'enchaînement des cinq mouvements que
l'on peut répéter au complet.
Il est important de noter que les méridiens et
les points énergétiques sont symétriques dans le corps.
1 - LE SOLEIL (Fortifier les poumons) The Sun (Strenghten the Lungs) THU
Direction: Face au sud. Position: Thân Tru Tân (Lâp Tân), pieds formant un V. Description: Après le salut, mains jointes au niveau des yeux,
doigts en lotus (voir dessin). Lever
les bras en décrivant un cercle et rejoindre les mains en inclinant le buste
vers l'avant. Revenir à la position de
départ. Ce mouvement est en liaison avec le méridien
des Poumons.
2 - LE COURAGE (Dégager le gros intestin) The Courage (Clear the Large Intestine) THU
Direction: Face au sud. Position: Thân Tru Tân (Lâp Tân), pieds parallèles (largeur
des épaules). Description: Mains partant d'en bas (dessin 4), inspirer en
remontant les mains au-dessus des épaules (dessin 5), expirer en poussant les
bras vers l'avant et lentement relâcher les doigts (dessin 6). Ce mouvement est en liaison avec le méridien du
Gros Intestin.
3 - LA SERVIABILITÉ (Stimuler l'estomac) Readiness to help (Stimulate the Stomach) TUC
Direction: Face au sud. Position: Thân Tru Tân (Lâp Tân), pieds parallèles (largeur
des épaules). Description: Inspirer en ramenant les mains vers soi, masser
les yeux avec la paume des mains (dessin 7), continuer le mouvement de
massage sur la tête puis la nuque, expirer en poussant les bras vers l'avant
(dessin 8), retourner les mains (dessin 9) et les ramener vers la taille en
inspirant (dessin 10). Ce mouvement est en liaison avec le méridien de
4 - LA LUCIDITÉ (Stimuler la rate) The Lucidity (Work up the Spleen) TY
Direction: Face au sud. Position: Thân Tru Tân (Lâp Tân), pieds parallèles (largeur
des épaules). Description: Inspirer en joignant les deux mains lentement
(dessin 12), monter les mains et tourner les paumes vers le ciel quand les
mains arrivent au niveau des yeux, pousser les bras en extension en
maintenent les paumes vers le ciel (dessin 13), puis expirer lentement en
descendant les bras qui décrivent un cercle. Ce mouvement est en liaison avec le méridien de
la Rate-Pancréas.
5 - LA TRANQUILLITÉ (Calmer le coeur) The Tranquility (Calm the Heart) TÂM KINH TU TAI AN NHIÊN
Direction: Face au sud. Position: Thân Tru Tân (Lâp Tân), pieds parallèles (largeur
des épaules). Description: Inspirer, joindre le pouce et l'auriculaire (voir
dessin), remonter lentement les mains jusqu'au niveau du coeur (dessin 15),
cramponner les pieds au sol, expirer en poussant les paumes des mains vers le
sol (dessin 16).
Ce mouvement est en liaison avec le méridien du
"France AMAZING Beautiful
Nature with Soothing Relaxing Music, 4k Ultra HD by Tim Janis"
Madrid - One of the Most
Beautiful Capital Cities in Europe - The Sunniest Capital In Europe " on YouTube
Trees in the World
Post 605 Continued MY ‘RONIN’ YEAR |
(continued from Post 604)
After months of searching and thinking
I was still doing nothing except enjoying enormously the free time of a real
ronin. One day I made a mistake when asking my maternal uncle for advice. He
was a Buddhist monk and he tried to convince me that my way was to become a
monk. I did not dare to show my disagreement but I promised that I will first
learn well about Buddhism before engaging myself into the way of monk. Oh my
God! Buddhism is a study you will never finish it, it is an endless road! The
profession of being a monk is worse than being a politician: It is not a
profession; it is a circular road, no retirement, no wife, no children…
How did I use my precious time as a
ronin? I did make it the most fruitful time of study in my life; I wrote down
three learning subjects and one secret plan to be worked on with persistence.
1. Foreign languages (French and English)
2. Practicing good manners and training for effective communication
3. Get the habit of evaluating everything under different stand
points. (I even got to evaluate the hitting force of my fist and the kicking
distance of my leg) Now about my secret plan: I thought as
long as you are a student people will consider you as a beggar for knowledge,
now if you publish some book you will immediately gain respect because you
are an author, the one who contributes or teaches something to the public...
How did I do to make this happen? I looked at the official program of
mathematics for the two first years in secondary school, and then I chose
some subjects and started writing my Some Basic Mathematical Subjects for
Students in Secondary School. At my surprise, my small book was quickly
accepted, and the publisher (Nhu Y Publishing House, in Saigon) treated me
well by giving me a decent amount of money before the book was sold out.
Almost forty years later, one day in Montreal, Canada, I received in my
consulting office a Vietnamese business man asking for help in a financial
project. When I finished my
professional role, we got to talk a bit about the way how we became Canadian,
and then I had a great pleasure to discover that he was the elder son of my
generous publisher in Saigon long ago.
Three years later I graduated, on top
of my class, in Economics, Faculty of Law in Saigon, and then I left Vietnam,
the country I deeply loved but I was born to discover the world. I found that
weak men are tied to the boundaries of their country, strong men must help
their country going far beyond its limits./.
Charles Phan Hoang Phan Hoàng (Canada March
28, 2023)
Ngày 02, Tháng 04, 2023 ( năm 4902 sử Việt) VIETCHIDAO/
Vietvodao, Voviet Club YẾT KIÊU CANADA, năm thứ 17 CUỐI TUẦN TRÒ CHUYỆN POST 604 13May 2-23
Charles Phan Hoang I remember, that year on a beautiful day I learned the
bad news: I failed my exam for the
school of Dentistry in the University of Saigon. I felt ashamed and I did not
know what to do next, and what to say when I met with some friends. Of course
I blamed myself, but I also hoped to find something, somehow, to share the
responsibility for my failure. Then, I found it. In my view, part of my failure was due to
the stupidity of this system of exam! I was not so bad but the exam was bad!
However, no matter what I could argue, the reality was always there like a
closed iron door in front of my nose. I needed to find a way out to save my
After a day or two of disappointment I started to hate
the Dentistry School. I listed all the negative aspects of this profession
and I started telling friends that no matter what the result of my exam could
be, I decided that dentistry was not good enough for me. I wanted a much
better life for my future… Then I noticed that almost no one care about my
exam, nor even about my dreamed future. When we met we laughed, we tell
amusing stories, or did some stupid things to attract the attention of
girls. Out of the care about our exam,
life in the nice city of Saigon continued to be wonderful and the traditional
Vietnamese long robe ‘ao-dai’ made
these beautiful young Saigonese ladies more mysteriously attractive, like the
kimono did to the Japanese ladies.
However I needed to decide what to study next, because at
that moment I still had the possibility to apply for another discipline,
math, sciences, pharmacy, engineering, law, politics, literature, history,
and so on. Finally my decision surprised all my friends: I decided for one
year to be a “lang-tu”, a free man, a kind of Japanese ronin, an outcast
samurai, the non-registered fighter. I
do confess that in fact my choice was not a choice, it was rather a reaction
against the normal way of the majority of people in our society; I was a
rebel. After having told my decision
to friends I felt liberated from my failure. But no one gave me any input or
suggestion and I quickly understood that my friends were just friends; my
future did not concern them much. So I kept secret what I was preparing to do
and held some distance toward friends. I lived alone like a hermit in an
isolated old house at the border of the city, but unexpectedly I was always
wearing nice shirt with tie like a serious young gentleman going to work, and
I tried to develop new circles of friends, those much older than me.
On my list of selected disciplines I found Mathematics on
top. I was not so good in math but neither so bad, therefore with all effort
I could have a chance to obtain my degree.
But the problem is would I like to have the life of a mathematician?
Certainly knowledge in math could help me in life but clearly my life is not
for math.
Next disciplines were Literature and History. Oh,
certainly I loved studying in these fields. But I knew how hard to make a
normal living with these degrees. In life, I will continue to apply
self-learning in these fields, but I will not register with the university
for that. I was a real ronin, not being registered but often present in the
grand amphitheater for all kinds of lectures.
Politics! This field of studies was very attractive to me
because at my young age of that day who would not dream to become famous one
day in the future, gaining position of power. Moreover the study of political
sciences was relatively easy in my eyes, both in theoretical conception and
in factual description of events. I started to be interested in this field of
study and attended some political meetings, seeing only the bright side of
this discipline. One day I heard a retired politician telling the following
joke: Once a young boy
told his father that he hoped to become later a politician. The father said:
Being a politician you must be brave. The boy answered: Yes I am. The father
smiled and said to the boy: To show your strength, would you climb up to the
top of this high wall then jump down? Promptly the boy executed it and his
fall hurt him, and he complained loudly. The father, in conclusion, said: A politician would never believe anyone,
even his father! Even it was a
joke, it opened my eyes wildly: A politician should not believe anyone, and
then no one should believe to what a politician says. It is sad to live in
that kind of profession. Then I found out that the political world has more
dishonest guys that respectable people. But the society needs them and they
must be lying to make people feel good when they are in power, and they also
need to lie to make people feel bad when they are in the opposition! That was my opinion when I was searching
for my way to start in life. From that day, in all my life I never have
registered in any political party, but I always have my own view about
important political events, knowing that if we don’t care about politics,
politics will care about us.
(POST 605) After months of searching and thinking I was
still doing nothing except enjoying enormously the free time of a real ronin.
One day I made a mistake when asking my maternal uncle for advice. He was a
Buddhist monk and he tried to convince me that my way was to become a monk. I
did not dare to show my disagreement but I promised that I will first learn
well about Buddhism before engaging myself into the way of monk. Oh my God!
Buddhism is a study you will never finish it, it is an endless road! The
profession of being a monk is worse than being a politician: It is not a
profession; it is a circular road, no retirement, no wife, no children…
How did I use my precious time as a ronin? I did make it
the most fruitful time of study in my life; I wrote down three learning
subjects and one secret plan to be worked on with persistence. 1. Foreign
languages (French and English) 2. Practicing
good manners and training for effective communication 3. Get the habit
of evaluating everything under different stand points. (I even got to
evaluate the hitting force of my fist and the kicking distance of my
leg) Now about my secret plan: I thought as long as you are a
student people will consider you as a beggar for knowledge, now if you
publish some book you will immediately gain respect because you are an
author, the one who contributes or teaches something to the public... How did
I do to make this happen? I looked at the official program of mathematics for
the two first years in secondary school, and then I chose some subjects and
started writing my Some Basic Mathematical Subjects for Students in Secondary
School. At my surprise, my small book was quickly accepted, and the publisher
(Nhu Y Publishing House, in Saigon) treated me well by giving me a decent
amount of money before the book was sold out. Almost forty years later, one
day in Montreal, Canada, I received in my consulting office a Vietnamese
business man asking for help in a financial project. When I finished my professional role, we
got to talk a bit about the way how we became Canadian, and then I had a
great pleasure to discover that he was the elder son of my generous publisher
in Saigon long ago.
Three years later I graduated, on top of my class, in
Economics, Faculty of Law in Saigon, and then I left Vietnam, the country I
deeply loved but I was born to discover the world. I found that weak men are
tied to the boundaries of their country, strong men must help their country
going far beyond its limits./.
Charles Phan Hoang Phan Hoàng (Canada March
28, 2023)
"France AMAZING Beautiful Nature with Soothing Relaxing Music, 4k Ultra HD by Tim Janis"
Madrid - One of the Most Beautiful Capital Cities in Europe - The Sunniest Capital In Europe " on YouTube
15 BIGGEST Trees in the World
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