
Sunday, April 5, 2020


   POST 442   04  April 2020                                 

In this Post you will find

-LEARNING  Springtime
-PICTURES    Spring Flowers
-SHARING    Alice's Adventures
                     Cherry Blossom


POST 442                04 April 2020   

“Khau-Quyet”, a Vietnamese term, is a short message – one phrase or two – difficult to understand its real meaning for someone from outside. It carries a key to discover a secret or to understand the deep meaning of a teaching transmitted from master to disciples.
Also Khau-Quyet is a memory technique: a phrase condensed in a few words helping remember things. So, it could be a short message for a teaching, or simply a memory tool.
Phan Hoang (2012)

Qu'est ce qu'un 'KHAU-QUYET'?
"Khau-Quyet", un terme vietnamien, est un message court - une phrase ou deux - difficile à comprendre sa signification réelle pour quelqu'un de l'extérieur du contexte. Il porte une clé pour découvrir un secret ou pour comprendre le sens profond d'un enseignement transmis du maître aux disciples.
Aussi Khau-Quyet est une technique de mémoire: une phrase condensée en quelques mots aidant à se rappeler des choses. Ainsi, ce pourrait être un message court pour un enseignement secret, ou simplement un outil de mémoire.
Phan Hoang (2012)

Che cos’è un 'KHAU-QUYET'?
"Khau-Quyet", un termine vietnamita, è un breve messaggio - una frase o due - difficile capire il suo vero significato per chi è al di fuori del contesto. Funge da chiave per scoprire un segreto o per capire il senso profondo di un insegnamento trasmesso dal maestro ai discepoli.
Il  Khau-Quyet è anche  una tecnica di memoria: una frase condensata in poche parole che aiutano a ricordare cose. Quindi, potrebbe essere un breve messaggio per un insegnamento segreto, o semplicemente uno strumento di memoria.
Phan Hoang (2012)

    POST 444   04 April 2020                                

Top 10 Cherry Blossom Spots in Japan


Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

  POST  442                             04 April 2020


(extract from the book SPRING, published 2017 by
 Vietchi Institute –


We are now at the very first days of the spring. In Canada when springtime is back the whole world feels excited because winter lasts so long with heavy snowfalls and very low temperature, easily under minus ten, minus twenty degrees Celsius.
When spring arrives snow continues to be seen on the ground, on the streets, everywhere in the parks, but soon will disappear under the sun and the blue sky.
I love the sky of Canada in springtime, a kind of inalterable blue sky that covers a light atmosphere, still cold enough, for giving us some sense of its immensity and purity.
Canada is a so vast country and Canadian people seem quiet and happy, maybe thanks to the cold weather and the way we have learned to live in good understanding with each other, and to be tolerant.
When the spring is coming young people drive their car much faster than in winter then you can hear a bit more noise in the streets, and you know it is time to go out enjoying springtime after a so long period of icy winter.
Coffee shops and restaurants in downtown of Ottawa become especially active in regaining new customers.
Last week, on Saint Patrick Day, the Irish Pubs were full all day and people lined up patiently.
At a corner of ByWard Market a bagpipe player, in colourful Irish attire, blew out in high pitch his nostalgic music which dominated the whole place.
I stayed for a while in the other corner of the street observing the way he was breathing in and out, filling air into the bag of his pipes.
There was something slightly similar to the way I did when playing the Vietnamese flute: keeping the rhythm of air flows. And there’s something also similar to playing the Vietnamese flute in doing our Quyens of breathing exercises, that is: keeping the rhythm of our breathing.
The length of air flows, in and out, doesn’t need to be equal all the time, but the rhythm needs always to be observed, like in music. Breathing is music, breathing is life. 

Why do sometimes people feel tired when spring arrives?
It is known that some sick people survive during the winter and die at the beginning of the spring.

One of the answers is the change of season follows a natural course of cosmic evolution while our day to day activities, for many reasons including modern lifestyle, are not organized in a way to adjust our body, our vital energy, to the change of Mother Nature.
Last Friday, at the Pagoda TU-AN in Ottawa, I taught methods and exercises to prepare our body and mind to accommodate the change of season. Then on the next day I went to a nearby park to do these exercises under a very old tree, you could see it on the pictures attached in this document.
A tree is just a tree if our mind cannot see something beyond its physical form. But a tree can tell us a lot of stories and teach us many things if we open our eyes, our mind, and our soul to it.
At least it can witness how strong or how weak our breathing was the day we did our exercises at its feet, how powerful or how weak the sounds we made which resonated through its leaves and by its trunk.
At the end of my exercises, I felt really happy for having been working with that beautiful old Master Tree at the beginning of the spring.

This tree taught me that if it can live a so long time is because it occupied a place where its presence was useful and enjoyable to others, no one wanted it out. It told me why it could rise so high, because when it rose it made all branches rise in order to keep the whole tree in equilibrium so the strong wind cannot destroy it. I also got some other lessons from it about the soil, the sun, the wind, the snow, the color of leaves etc.
Trees emanate substances that help boost our immune system, reduce blood pressure, as well as remove stress and other benefits for our health.  Go regularly exercise, meditate among trees in a park or in a wood could make us really happy.  Spring is a great time to go out and do our four Spring Exercises with five deep Breathing Methods. That is a key to a healthy and happy long life ./.  (Phan Hoang, 2011)

                                (Cover of the book SPRING TIEP XUAN, published 2017 by 
                                   Vietchi Institute –



POST442    04 April 2020


The form TIEP-XUAN consists of four exercises:
POST 442. KHOI-A - Raising the Primeval Sound and Energy     
POST 443. TUOI-DAO - Watering the Peach Tree
POST 444.  KHAI-QUAN - The Mountain Guardian
POST 443.  PHI-YEN - Flying Swallow

These four exercises are to be performed separately, nine times each. Then after, the whole set will be executed as a form (Quyen), three times.

EXERCISE 1 KHOI-A            

Raising the Primeval Sound and Energy

The aim and  benefit of this exercise: stimulating the circulation of inner energy. Quiet mind and positive thinking

It is good to know that this movement “KHOI-A” implies five related aspects:
1.       Physical form and physiological function- The physical form is to be executed in a continuous and flowing manner. Physiological function: relaxing muscles, maintaining and stimulating good function of heart and kidneys.
2.      Breathing method- Lungs Breathing (Tho-phoi): Natural inflows and outflows of air with slight thoracic movements and respiratory muscles activities.
3.      Inner energy and vital points- Movement Khoi-A has two main missions: stimulating the circulation of inner energy -by “raising the primeval energy (nguyen-khi) which related to the sound “A”, and ensures the balance between the “upper-warm-energy” (Thuong-Hoa/fire) and the “lower-cold-energy” (Ha-Thuy/water). The two meridians involved, in this exercise Khoi-A, are the Heart Meridian and the Kidneys Meridian. For those who are familiar with acupuncture  the vital points to keep in mind for digital-pressure purposes related to this exercise  Khoi-A are:
- C1 (Cuc-tuyen); C3 (Thieu-hai); C9 (Thieu-xung)    
- R1 (Dong-tuyen); R5 (Thuy-tuyen); R11 (Hoanh-cot)          
4.      Mind and Thought: Quiet mind and positive thinking. Be Happy like flowers in spring, flourishing with youth and vigor.
5.      Symbolism and Behavior: Khoi-A is the symbol of Growth. Adapting to the environment and growing through natural process.  

Now please work this Exercise KHOI-A every morning, for one week, with a clear understanding of its five related aspects while your body is moving, your mind focussing on what you are doing.
I can only help in teaching this but I cannot help in doing it for you every morning!
After one week, if you like it, continue.
If you don’t like it, just put it aside. Spare it for later use.  

Charles Phan Hoang


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